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Mission Statement

Mathematically, there is a concept of infinitely approaching zero. Kevin believes that existence, the eternal indestructible energy and nebulous formations that exist, resides within that concept. Within this telescoping universe, there is the infinite and the infinitesimal; there is always something within “forever small,” and always something within “forever large.” The layers of perspective are infinite. One can see life through the eyes of humans, or through ants, or through electrons, or through galaxy clusters. Every elevation has its own perspective to take. Complicate that with the many angles within each of those individual perspectives that create spectral graphs of differently considered information.

This is how Kevin conveys his art. He seeks to create universes that have their own laws of physics while wrapping them in lush and corpulent metaphors that exist on many planes of perspective. Through his studies in Classical Music, Kevin has adapted an “all-inclusive” approach, which speaks of the intention behind the music. The symphony hall and the opera house isn’t packed with the same audiences that attend a Cardi B or Dream Theater or Dolly Parton show. Kevin likes to provide a smorgasbord for many different audiences to find a nugget they’re familiar with to bite into. He seeks to connect these audiences with material that can be discussed and analyzed by the experts while still enjoyed by those who don’t deem those traits important in their enjoyment of music. He also seeks to expose that there is no high or low art, show that the universe is much more flexible than to hold to old mentalities and traditions, and that despite our capabilities as humans, to provide understanding that we are also mere specks in an ocean of infinity. Kevin speaks to the ego within the intellectual world and how it’s damaging, and ironically unenlightened.